Crazy in Love: Kanye West & Kim K.

I’m sorry, but I just had to jump online and share my feelings about this. So, our favorite nut job, Kanye West, went on Ryan Seacrest show yesterday or the other day to spout his love for Kim K. I really couldn’t bare to listen to all of it as, the sound bites from the radio did enough. Now, I like Kanye as he’s a musical genius in my book. But, his love life and how he professes it is another story.

You’re engaged, we get it! But, to do a media roll to prove that you love the girl is a bit obsessive!! I mean, I personally don’t care much for Kim K as she has perfected the road from “video ho” to “housewife” but to want sympathy from the public….I’ll PASS. Now, we all have skeletons in our closet but, don’t pull the wool over my eyes trying be this angel in white spandex to vie for my endorsement.

I digress….So, Mr. West goes on to say that his baby mufva is Vogue cover magazine material and that she commands more attention and is more influential than the First Lady of these United States!?!?! Seriously, dude! First off, I wouldn’t think that the First Lady would, 1. Flaunt her a$$ on Instagram with a 2-piece in her “crack” to prove she still has it and 2. Have to beg to get on the cover of Vogue as Mrs. Obama has been there and done that:kanye30n-4POW!

Anyways, why do I give this the energy? Because, I’m tired of hearing Kanye’s stupid a$$ rant’s about his “drive-thu” fiancée’ Kim K. She’ll never be like your BFF Jay-z’s wife Beyonce, so stop trying to build her up to do so. Class and Kim K don’t quite go together because guess what: She did vogue too!


Listen, you got her now keep her! But, when you start comparing her to the classy yet positive First Lady calls for a slap.

Miley…for Halloween!?!?!


Just when you thought the image of Miley Cyrus’ breakout performance on the MTV 2013 VMA’s finally left your head, it resurfaces again!


I guess I’m one of a few people who was totally grossed out by Miley’s “chicken” buttcheeks and weird gyrating on stage but America wants more. This Halloween, I was looking forward to maybe some “Duck Dynasty” look-a-likes and a few of the old favorites. Think again…our streets will be littered with Miley inspired 2-pieces and teddy bear get ups very soon.

All I can say is “Jesus take the wheel” because I can’t!

Take the wool from over your eyes! Rant pt.2



So, we now see that there is no stopping the Affordable Health Care train from going full speed ahead. I’m actually pretty happy about it, especially since I know how it is to be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. Guys, please take the time to see how this will affect you and not necessarily put you at a disadvantage. I’m sorry, but I would like to live a LONG & FULL life that is not dictated by greedy republicans, that use their money and influence with large pharmaceutical companies and media outlets to blind us. Sorry, but “We the People” can read bills and laws if we really wanted to and see the truth.

All, I can say is…the president is on to something and the republican party knew it. But, who would want a little colored boy to be right?

Just saying.

Check out the real information on the Affordable Health Care Act and how it can help you if you’re under or uninsured.

Will the Government Shut down today??


Happy Monday all!!

So over the weekend it has been ALOT of talk on the news and radio about the possible shut down of our government. If you didn’t know, the government fiscal year ends today 10/1/13 at 12:01am.

As a sometimes jaded American citizen, I think of shut down of the government as End of the world talk! But, this information I’m about to provide is for you…the handful of people that may not know how an impending shut down can affect you. To be honest, if the Republicans and Democrats can take a minute and not fight about “Obamacare” and how it will cripple big business(or to get over on the sick and less fortunate) we could’ve had a budget passed weeks ago.

Here’s a look at how a government shut down can affect you:
